The extraordinary
an introduction to Chordelia Guitar machines..

the levers on a C5-minor

playing a Chordelia Guitar Machine
Here's what you can do with a six-chord machine..!

a batch of machines ready to go..
What chords can you play on your Chordelia?
The C5 has these chords..
A, C, D, G and E
The C5m has these chords..
A-minor, C, D, G and E-minor
The C6m has these chords..
A-minor, G, F, C, D and E-minor

Does it fit onto any guitar?
No, only the most common type of acoustic guitar. Click HERE for more details
What is a Chordelia Guitar Machine?
It’s a wooden device that attaches to your guitar to make playing much easier.
What does it do?
It pushes the strings down in all the right places, so chords are made. All you have to do is strum (or pick) the strings.
Who’s it for?
It’s for anyone who wants to play guitar but who finds it physically difficult to make the chords.
And it’s for people who just want to play guitar immediately. Today, even! Who want to pick up a guitar and play right now, with no long, slow, tedious, painful learning involved.
But I still have to do something, right?
Yes, you still have to choose the chord you want – by pulling a lever (with one finger).
How many chords can it make?
Chordelia Number 5 makes five chords.
Chordelia Number 6 makes six chords.
But how many songs can I play with just five chords?
Hundreds! There’s a list of more than fifty on the SONGS page – but that’s just some of the popular ones. There are many more and we’ll keep adding to the list when we come across them.
And if you go for the Chordelia Number Six then there are six chords - and that means thousands more songs to choose from. Check out the 'Songs' page..
Does it work on any guitar?
No. One day there will be Chordelias for different guitar types (and other instruments too), but we’ve only just started so for now it only fits one type. (Which just happens to be the most popular guitar type in the world!) Check here for the requirements of your guitar…
Does it use a lot of batteries? Or do I have to plug it in somewhere?
No – it doesn’t need any batteries or electricity at all. So you can take it to the beach or into the bath or wherever you like. (Actually best not take it into the bath. But you could.)
Will Chordelia damage my guitar?
No, not if you use Chordelia correctly. A simple wooden wedge holds it in place and you can remove it at any time (and play without it if you like).
Does my guitar need to be tuned in a special way?
No. Chordelia uses standard tuning
E – A – D – G – B – E
I had to stop playing guitar because of arthritis in my hand – could Chordelia work for me?
We can’t promise, but if you have the strength and movement in at least one finger then, yes, it will work for you and you will be able to play again.
What if it doesn’t fit my guitar – can I send it back?
Yes – if you don’t harm your Chordelia in any way, and return it within 30 days, then we will give you a full refund (excluding postage). More details here..
I’m learning guitar – will Chordelia help me?
Yes, it will help you by making the chords so you can concentrate on your timing and strumming – but if you want to progress to more than chord-playing, then you will have to replace Chordelia eventually.
I’m learning to sing – will Chordelia help me?
Yes! That’s exactly what it’s for. Singing is so much easier when you sing along to a guitar. You will quickly hear when you’re singing out of tune and learn to correct it.
My friend is blind – could it work for her?
Yes, absolutely. She will need some help fitting it to the guitar for the first time, and she will have to remember which order the chords are arranged, but after that, she should be fine.
Will people laugh at me when I take a Chordelia out in public?
Yes, probably! But who cares about that anyway?? (They’ll just be jealous.)
Do I really only need one finger on my left hand to make a chord?
Yes. But it’s easier if you have a thumb too. (But if you don’t have a thumb then you can still play. Have a look at the video at the top of this page ..)
So, there are no downsides at all?
Chordelia makes the most popular chords of all, and you will be able to play hundreds of songs using just these few chords – BUT there are lots more chords out there that Chordelia doesn’t make. If you want to play those then you’ll just have to make them yourself.
The mechanism and the frame make a small squeaky noise - we're working to minimize this but it'll never disappear completely. Chordelia machines are great, but human hands really are the best thing to use if you can.
Also, see below.
Does it make coffee too?
Which Chordelia should I order?
The five-chord version is the most affordable, and the levers are wide so most fingers will be able to operate them. But if you want more song options, you should consider the six-chord version.
To order, go to the SHOP page. The full prices/discounts come up as you put them into your basket - you can always remove them before you check out.